kws kho tsiaj

  • Ivermectin dej 0.08%

    Ivermectin dej 0.08%

    Ivermectin drench 0.08% COMPOSITION: Muaj ib ml.: Ivermectin …………………………….. 0.8 mg.Solvents ad………………………….. 1 ml.DESCRIPTION: Ivermectin belongs rau pab pawg ntawm avermectins thiab ua tawm tsam cov kab mob sib kis thiab kab mob.CEEB TOOM: Kev kho kab mob plab, ntshauv, mob ntsws worminfections, ostriasis thiab kab mob scabies.Trichostrongylus, Cooperia, Ostertagia, Haemonchus ...
  • Toltrazuril 2.5% Kev daws qhov ncauj

    Toltrazuril 2.5% Kev daws qhov ncauj

    Toltrazuril Oral solution 2.5% COMPOSITION: Muaj ib ml: Toltrazuril ……………………………………… 25 mg.Cov kuab tshuaj ad……………………………………… 1 ml.DESCRIPTION: Toltrazuril yog ib qho tshuaj tua kab mob nrog kev ua haujlwm tiv thaiv Eimeria spp.Hauv nqaij qaib: - Eimeria acervulina, brunetti, maxima, mitis, necatrix thiab tenella hauv nqaij qaib.- Eimeria adenoides, galloparonis thiab ...
  • Ivermectine 1.87% Muab tshuaj txhuam

    Ivermectine 1.87% Muab tshuaj txhuam

    Muaj pes tsawg leeg: (Txhua 6,42 g. ntawm muab tshuaj txhuam muaj)
    Ivermectine: 0,120 g.
    6,42 g sxp.
    Kev Ua: Deworm.
    Indications ntawm kev siv
    Cov khoom siv tshuaj tua kab mob.
    Cov kab mob me me (Cyatostomun spp., Cylicocyclus spp., Cylicodontophorus spp., Cylcostephanus spp., Gyalocephalus spp.) mature form and immature of Oxyuris equi.
    Parascaris equorum (mature form and larves).
    Trichostrongylus axei (mature form).
    Strongyloides westerii.
    Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (lub ntsws parasites).
  • Neomycin sulphate 70% dej soluble hmoov

    Neomycin sulphate 70% dej soluble hmoov

    Neomycin sulphate 70% dej soluble hmoov OMPOSITION: Muaj ib gram: Neomycin sulphate …………………….70 ​​mg.Carrier ad……………………………………….1 g.Kev piav qhia: Neomycin yog ib qho dav-spectrum bactericidal aminoglycosidic tshuaj tua kab mob nrog tshwj xeeb kev ua haujlwm tiv thaiv qee cov tswv cuab ntawm Enterobacteriaceae xws li Escherichia coli.Nws hom kev ua yog nyob rau theem ribosomal....
  • Albendazole 2.5% / 10% kev daws qhov ncauj

    Albendazole 2.5% / 10% kev daws qhov ncauj

    Albendazole 2.5% tshuaj hauv qhov ncauj COMPOSITION: Muaj ib ml: Albendazole ……………….. 25 mg Cov kuab tshuaj ad………………………….1 ml DESCRIPTION: Albendazole yog ib tug hluavtaws anthelmintic, uas belongs rau pawg ntawm benzimidazole. - derivatives nrog kev ua ub no tawm tsam ntau yam kab mob thiab ntawm qib siab dua kuj tiv thaiv cov neeg laus theem ntawm daim siab fluke.CEEB TOOM: Prophylaxis thiab kho kab mob worminfection nyob rau hauv nyuj, nyuj, tshis thiab yaj zoo li: Gastrointestinal worms: Bunostomu ...
  • gentamicin sulfate 10% + doxycycline hyclate 5% wps

    gentamicin sulfate 10% + doxycycline hyclate 5% wps

    gentamicin sulphate10% + doxycycline hyclate 5% wps Muaj pes tsawg leeg: Txhua gram hmoov muaj: 100 mg gentamicin sulphate thiab 50 mg doxycycline hyclate.Spectrum ntawm kev ua ub no: Gentamicin yog ib qho tshuaj tua kab mob uas koom nrog pawg amino glycosides.Nws muaj cov kab mob bactericidal tiv thaiv kab mob Gram-positive thiab Gramnegative (xws li: Pseudomonas spp., Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., Serratia spp., E. coli, Proteus spp., Salmonella spp., Staphylococci).Tsis tas li ntawd nws yog nquag tawm tsam Campyl ...
  • Tetramisole 10% Dej Soluble Powder

    Tetramisole 10% Dej Soluble Powder

    Tetramisole Dej Soluble Powder 10% COMPOSITION: Txhua 1 gram muaj tetramisole hydrochloride 100mg.DESCRIPTION: Dawb crystalline hmoov.PHARMACOLOGY: Tetramisole yog ib qho tshuaj tua kab mob hauv kev kho mob ntawm ntau nematodes, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tawm tsam plab hnyuv nematodes.Nws ua rau tuag taus kab mob los ntawm stimulating nematode ganglia.Tetramisole yog nqus sai sai los ntawm cov ntshav, tawm hauv cov quav thiab zis sai sai.TSEEM CEEB: Tetramisole 10% zoo hauv kev kho mob ascariasis, ho ...
  • Albendazole 250 mg / 300 mg / 600 mg / 2500 mg bolus

    Albendazole 250 mg / 300 mg / 600 mg / 2500 mg bolus

    Albendazole 2500 mg Bolus Composition: Contains per bolus: Albendazole……………………………………….. 2500 mg Description: Albendazole is a synthetic anthelmintic which belongs to the group of benzimidazole-derivatives with act of a Cov kab mob dav dav thiab nyob rau qib ntau dua kuj tiv thaiv cov neeg laus theem ntawm daim siab fluke.Indications: Prophylaxis thiab kho kab mob worminfections hauv nyuj thiab nyuj zoo li: G ...
  • Metamizole sodium 30% txhaj tshuaj

    Metamizole sodium 30% txhaj tshuaj

    Metamizole sodium txhaj 30% Txhua ml muaj Metamizole sodium 300 mg.KEV PAB CUAM Ib qho xim tsis muaj xim lossis yellowish ntshiab tov me ntsis viscous sterile tov INDICATIONS Catarrhal-spasmatic colic, meteorism thiab plab hnyuv quav hauv nees;spasms ntawm uterine ncauj tsev menyuam thaum yug los;mob urinary thiab biliary keeb kwm;neuralgia thiab nevritis;mob plab hnyuv dilatation, nrog rau mob colic tawm tsam, rau allaying lub irritability ntawm cov tsiaj thiab npaj lawv rau plab la ...
  • Dexamethasone 0.4% txhaj tshuaj

    Dexamethasone 0.4% txhaj tshuaj

    Dexamethasone Txhaj Tshuaj 0.4% COMPOSITION: Muaj ib ml: Dexamethasone puag.......4mg ib.Cov kuab tshuaj ad………………………….1 ml.DESCRIPTION: Dexamethasone yog ib qho glucocorticosteroid uas muaj zog antiflogistic, anti-allergic thiab gluconeogenetic ua.CEEB TOOM: Acetone anemia, ua xua, mob caj dab, bursitis, poob siab, thiab tendovaginitis hauv nyuj, miv, nyuj, dev, tshis, yaj thiab npua.CONTRAINDICATIONS Tshwj tsis yog tias rho menyuam lossis yug ntxov ntxov, kev tswj hwm ntawm Glucortin-20 thaum lub sijhawm kawg ...
  • Florfenicol 30% txhaj tshuaj

    Florfenicol 30% txhaj tshuaj

    Florfenicol Txhaj Tshuaj 30% COMPOSITION: Muaj ib ml.: Florfenicol …………… 300 mg.Excipients ad ………….1 ml.KEV PAB CUAM: Florfenicol yog ib qho tshuaj tua kab mob dav dav uas muaj txiaj ntsig tiv thaiv kab mob Gram-positive thiab Gram-negative feem ntau cais los ntawm cov tsiaj hauv tsev.Florfenicol ua los ntawm inhibiting protein synthesis ntawm qib ribosomal thiab yog bacteriostatic.Cov kev kuaj sim tau pom tias florfenicol muaj zog tiv thaiv cov kab mob uas feem ntau raug cais tawm koom nrog hauv ...
  • Hlau Dextran 20% txhaj tshuaj

    Hlau Dextran 20% txhaj tshuaj

    Iron Dextran 20% txhaj tshuaj COMPOSITION: Muaj ib ml.: Hlau (raws li hlau dextran) …………………………………….. 200 mg.vitamin B12, cyanocobalamin …………………… 200 ug Solvents ad.………………………………………………………………… 1 ml.DESCRIPTION: Hlau dextran yog siv rau kev tiv thaiv ...
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